Wednesday, November 29, 2006

On Wednesday the 29th of November I went with Dan and Costas to the Arts Theatre in Covent Garden to see 'My Polish roots (and other vegetables)', a show by Karola Gajda. This was a part of my extensive education programme aiming to promote Polish history and culture among unaware foreigners (I am also encouraging them to read 'A question of honour' on Polish pilots in the RAF during WWII). The show is excellent, she talks about her life: a girl growing up in the UK in a family of Polish immigrants. She exhibits her shopping addiction, her struggle to be posh or at least middle-class, uses private family videos and pictures, cooks a beetroot soup on the stage, is funny, sharp and smuggles through some important messages on Polish history and nature of humans. Strongly recommended.

International Food Party

Just one pic of an apple pie I made for the international food party to make you hungry!

Monday, November 20, 2006

A380 at Farnborough Air Show 2006

Just one cool picture from last summer. In July I went with friends to Farnborough Air Show and we took this picture of A380. The plane despite of its size is amazingly maneuverable. Pity that the construction programme is so delayed, I am really looking forward to try it!

Visiting Marek in Edinburgh

18-19 November I spent in Edinburgh visiting Marek, my old friend from Kurow. He picked me up from the airport, fed with fresh Polish bread from Polish shop and Polish sausage and cheese imported by him from Poland just a day before. With full tommy and the warmest clothes I had with me I could face the sightseeing. The wind was blowing our heads off but the city is very picturesque and gives a feeling of a pleasant calmness, so much unlike London always busy with running people.

At the moment Rosslyn seems to be the most crowded place in Scotland. The local chapel, which is very beautifully decorated, appeared in Dan Brown's 'Da Vinci code' and now is being invaded by tourists.
General tip: visit in summer ;-)

Friday, November 17, 2006

My first paper in Nature published!

Ok, ok, the header is in the style of British evening newspapers, just slightly exaggerated. It is not a research paper but a review and not in Nature but in Nature Reviews Genetics. Just details, I am happy anyway and you can be sure that a bottle of Champagne will be opened!

Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Ski holiday 2007 booked!

Being infected with the virus of planning-mania I have booked ski holiday in La Plagne, France for March 2007. Now counting down days! It is supposed to be a very good ski area. I was a few years ago in a nearby Les Arcs and it was amazing. Hopefully this time we again will be lucky with fresh snow and good weather!

Every day is a party!

It feels like a party season has started! On the 16th November I am organizing with colleagues an International Food Party at work. We have 30 people working on our floor representing 15 countries!!! Everyone has to cook something attributable to a specific country and we will have some wine and beer to help wash dawn all the different tastes. I hope that we will not get sick.

On the 30th November Polish Society is launching our flagship annual St. Andrew’s party popular among students for Polish vodka, loads of food and of course beautiful Polish girls.

And on the 12th December we do a serious event. In December 1946 the Polish air squadrons of the Royal Air Force, which fought so valiantly during the Battle of Britain, were officially disbanded. The Imperial College Union Polish Society is planning to commemorate the 60th anniversary of this event by hosting an evening of short presentations, talks and discussions entitled “Meet The Pilots – The Heroes of the Battle of Britain”. I am looking forward to talk with the pilots!

Hoe gaat het?

I started Dutch lessons! I thought that it would be a pity to forget some Dutch I learned in the Netherlands. The teacher is from Assen and is called van der Sluis; perhaps Eli’s relative?

Monday, November 13, 2006

Jacek's PhD viva

On the 20th October 2006 Jacek had his PhD viva. I had the honour to be a 'paranimf', a kind of a witness who assists the graduating student during the ceremony. Jacek was a great example of a stressed person but he did well and got his diploma. The party was very good, as always when organized by Lubelskich :-) Now I am looking forward to Asia's promotion!
Selection of pictures on Lubelscy web page.

Thursday, November 09, 2006

Biotechnology graduates forum

Jordan has reactivated UMCS Biotechnology Graduates Forum to facilitate exchange of information between people from our grade. I hope that it will work out this time, fingers crossed! Looking for new posts out there!

Last few years at glance

Too many things have happened during the last few years so just a brief update for those who have not kept in touch.

After graduation in Lublin I moved to Groningen in the Netherlands where I spent four years and eight wonderful months. I made many friends there and I am still going there frequently, getting trashed every time, mainly due to free drinks on friend’s vivas! Below one pic from my promotion which took place on 1st October 2004. I was very happy that my parents and sisters could attend. Here is the link to my dissertation.

Now living in London. An amazing city. I had never wanted to even visit UK; I always thought that it is a rainy, foggy and sad place. It’s nothing like that, saying that I have to again point out that I enjoyed the Netherlands so I might be a strange person. Also I have not been yet to such ‘lovely’ places as Leeds or Birmingham, but Isle of Sky, Oxford, Cambridge, Brighton and the coast north from Norwich are great; all for different reasons.

London is huge and very cosmopolitan but still also very British. Blooming cultural life, good clubs and restaurants, great parks (you really appreciate them during ‘summer in the city’) and easy travel to the rest of the world – I just love being here.

Also thanks to all of you how have visited me here!

Welcome! Witam!

Hallo everyone!
Finally I decided to catch up with the technology and started building my blog! With friends in a few countries on three continents it seems to be a sensible way of sharing news and views. However, as it is my blog, you should not expect frequent and long posts :-) but I will do my best to keep it up to date.

Serdecznie witam w moim blogu! Przepraszam znajomych z Polski za uzywanie jezyka angielskiego, ale po prostu nie mam czasu na pisanie wszystkiego w dwoch jezykach a Wy i tak wladacie angielskim. W kazdym razie zapraszam do zamieszczania informacji, komentarzy po polsku.