Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Better to be lucky than…

Yes! Yes! Yes! Euro 2012 will be hosted by Poland and Ukraine. It will be fun! And it will be business! Virtually everything has to be constructed: stadiums, roads, rail track, stations, new airport terminals, many more hotels and everything just within 5 years… Sounds impossible but we, Polish, (no idea bout the Ukrainians) get really motivated under pressure and when our national pride is at stake so I really believe that it will work out. The other good news is that the apartment in which I invested is about 700 m from the future National Stadium and a tube station (I don’t have to add that it also has to be build :-) ).

The future is bright!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

... to be smart!

At least you'll have transport to the apartment-that-has-to-be-build ;-).

HUG Marjon