Thursday, November 09, 2006

Last few years at glance

Too many things have happened during the last few years so just a brief update for those who have not kept in touch.

After graduation in Lublin I moved to Groningen in the Netherlands where I spent four years and eight wonderful months. I made many friends there and I am still going there frequently, getting trashed every time, mainly due to free drinks on friend’s vivas! Below one pic from my promotion which took place on 1st October 2004. I was very happy that my parents and sisters could attend. Here is the link to my dissertation.

Now living in London. An amazing city. I had never wanted to even visit UK; I always thought that it is a rainy, foggy and sad place. It’s nothing like that, saying that I have to again point out that I enjoyed the Netherlands so I might be a strange person. Also I have not been yet to such ‘lovely’ places as Leeds or Birmingham, but Isle of Sky, Oxford, Cambridge, Brighton and the coast north from Norwich are great; all for different reasons.

London is huge and very cosmopolitan but still also very British. Blooming cultural life, good clubs and restaurants, great parks (you really appreciate them during ‘summer in the city’) and easy travel to the rest of the world – I just love being here.

Also thanks to all of you how have visited me here!

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