Thursday, December 21, 2006

Stuck in London

I was supposed to be in Warsaw already but… the fog! According to Polish newspapers from a few weeks ago Heathrow airport was fog-proof but unfortunately it is not. It has not been shut down completely as it happens to the Warsaw airport during extremely bad weather conditions but they had to reduce the frequency of flights so BA cancelled half of its flights on the 20th. The next available seat they could offer is on the 26th, which is the second day of Christmas… a bit late. I managed to get a ticket from Centralwings for the 22nd form Gatwick, hopefully the weather there will be better, and of course there will be no fog in Warsaw. Fingers crossed. I cannot believe that just three years ago I actually enjoyed flying…

Tuesday, December 19, 2006

Christmas dinner

The pre-Christmas period in the UK is very dangerous time for your liver. With companies paying for lunches and dinners, including the alcohol, many people take an opportunity to drink a lot for free.

During our Christmas dinner Tom (one of the PhD students) came out with an evil idea of playing an old, student’s (?) game: you had to drop a penny into someone’s glass full of alcohol, the point is that the owner of the galls should not be aware of the presence of the penny in her/his glass. When you touch a grass with a penny in it you have to drink up all the wine, beer or whatever is in there at once. After few minutes everyone loved the game and we were throwing pennies even into white wine (no one was bothered that you could easily see the coin at the bottom of a glass), and when everyone could see it. I don’t have to tell you that we finished the dinner quite trashed. Still, a few people continued the party in a bar.

Wednesday, December 13, 2006

Too much for me!

I have too many x-mas lunches, dinners and parties so no energy to write... I need a few days to recover.